Candle Care


Candle Care

How To Use Our Manifestation & Affirmation Candles

Each Candle serves a different purpose when you set your energy & attention high… light the wick, take a long deep breath, smell the aroma, close your eyes & think of an area in your life you would like to improve, and make a wish. As the candle burns, you are manifesting magic...

Candle Care

  • Step One ~ Place the candle jar/container in the freezer for a few hours.
  • Step Two ~ Lightly tap the jar/container on the table or hard surface. Be careful to make sure the jar/container will not break.
  • Step Three ~ Bag the remaining wax to use for wax melts.
  • Step Four ~ Remove the label and wicks.
  • Step Five ~ Thoroughly clean inside and outside of the jar/container with rubbing alcohol. Magic Erasers will work well for stains that are hard to remove.